Quatation Notice Statutory Audit, No: KHWWB/7511/2023-ADT SA1 dated 28-01-2025 | Quatation Notice KHWWB/206/2023-E4 dt തീയതിഃ19-01-2025 | Welfare Details 2024 | IT MANAGER - RANKL LIST | SCATTERED AUDIT C A QUATATION | IT Manager Vacancy | digital diary | ഓഡിറ്റ് കൊട്ടെഷൻ നോട്ടീസ് | FINAL SENIORITY LIST-LDC as on 01-02-2023 | PROV.SENIORITY LIST-O.A |



A Board constituted under section 14 of KERALA HEADLOAD WORKERS ACT 1978 for the purpose of exercising the powers and performing the functions of the Board under KERALA HEADLOAD WORKERS ACT 1978 and the SCHEMES made under the ACT it is a body corporate with the name specified ,having perpetual succession and a common seal, created by notification in the gazette by the govt ,consist of members nominated from time totime by the govt representing the employers the Headload workers and the governmentrepresenting equal be in number, to exercise such powers and perform such function andfollow such procedure as may be specified in THE SCHEME or in THE RULES made under this ACT and in the exercise of the power and the discharge of its functions, the board to be bound by such directions as the government may give to it from time to time.

The board shall have the following powers and shall be responsible for all matters connected with

  • The administration of the fund as specified in the scheme or schemes.
  • The collection of contribution the respective funds under the scheme or schemes.
  • Render necessary advice to govt on general welfare of the headload workers.
  • To furnish information on such matters as the govt may refer to it from time to time.
  • To create a fund called the headload workers general fund .
  • Administration of Headload Workers General Fund utilised only for the purposes provided for in the act rules and schemes formulated from time to time
  • All money belonging to the fund shall be invested in such manner as may be specified by the govt from time to time see r19
  • All expenses incurred in respect of and loss if any arising from any investment shall be charged to the fund
  • Submit annual report on working of scheme to Govt then to legislature
  • Auditing the accounts
  • Preparation of Budget


The Board and the Committees are implementing the Scheme formulated by the Govt of Kerala for regulating the head loading activities in Kerala and Welfare of headload worker’s . Comparing with other welfare boards the Kerala Headload Workers Welfare Board is implementing 3 different schemes related to headload workers namely

Scheme No.(approx)
Kerala Headload Workers (regulation of Employment and welfare ) scheme 1983 39802
Kerala Headload Workers (Scattered group)Welfare Scheme 1999. 36109
Kerala Headload Workers (Attached group), Welfare Scheme 1995. 1045